I Joined Judo in UJA in October 2010. Sensei Suresh told me the first thing ‘Age is not a problem to
learn JUDO.’
The images outside the class of UJA scared the first time for some moment, that I will be thrown
down, but I never mentioned to Sensei that, yet I went ahead thinking ‘Let me see how much of me
can get scrapped here’.
Yes I learnt one can shed a lot here, right from your sweat to your fat to your mental blocks and
virtually all kinds of blocks that you fear coming your way.
The constant exercising that you go through like in any other sport keeps you fit in body and mind.
However with Judo there are innumerable techniques to make you alert, get out of a hold or get
your opponent into a hold. Doesn’t life in general need this training too.
Judo is a self defense Martial art that makes you confident to face any opponent of any category-
whether it’s the white collared crook masquerading as a gentleman in your office or the ruffian on
the streets. Knock them off if they ask for it, I would say.
Injuries are inevitable a bit especially in the initial stages of learning, but with caution that too can be
I have a 9 to 5 job that includes outdoor work also, meetings with clients, Business achievements,
then travelling abroad sometimes, on official assignements, and most important of all running my
home. Like all mothers I cook, do the housework, yet I have pursued learning judo at this age. My
son is 24 yrs old and maybe he will pursue this art after he settles in his job.
Sensei Suresh studies every student and their growth, their life situation and gives each one his due.
He saw in me an ability to groom children and so he gave me the opportunity to teach the small
children on Saturdays. I feel great about this to be previliged to do this work for UJA and during
which time I too get to learn their grasping process.
I have reached my Blue Belt with lot of time management process in these past years, and I hope to
give my Black belt this year with a lot of practise that I have assured myself to dedicate myself to.
UJA has laid a strong foundation for many youths and stars in the Sports arena, and I am happy and
extremely grateful to Sensei Suresh that I too have a place where I do feel like a shining star in the